Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Japanese Women As They Complete Their Sit-In In Tokyo

Aileen Mioko Smith sent me this photograph of the final moments of the protest this week in Tokyo.

Alieen writes that the people in the photo above are saying:

Women Don't Need Nuclear Power!
Women Will Protect the Children!
Women Will Change the World!

The wool ball at in the center of the circle was woven by Fukushima women. It got so
long they encircled METI with it. Then women from all of Japan
continued to weave it until it became a huge ball. On the last day it was
changed into the earth and was born at 10:30am, Saturday, November 5th, 2011.
It is now traveling around Japan and will circle
the entire earth.

You can read more about the protest here.

In addition: please sign the petition to save the children of Fukushima.  The mothers want the Japanese government to evacuate the children from dangerous areas of Fukushima city.  Please help them by signing on.

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